Looking for a good hearted man

I am comfortable with my femininity, intelligence, a joyful, trusting, loving, very caring, well-balanced and sweet nature. Passion to life rages as a volcano inside of me – I love life, every moment of it, every second! I am a kind and easy-going woman with great sense of humor, optimistic and down-to-earth personality. I am so impatient to meet my man who I will share my life with! I will be 100% committed to my partner and do everything in my power to make him happy. My attention and affection will be always focused on the man I will care for.

My Ideal Partner

I am looking for a genuine man, someone who appreciates me as a friend, someone who is honest, kind and responsible. I am here to find someone who knows what care about someone means, who will be gentle and faithful. I need to find someone who is not afraid of serious relationship.

Username heatheraround
IP Address
Reported Country: Australia
Actual Country: AUSTRALIA*

*It is possible for scammers to fake IP addresses and country.

Remember, this is a FAKE PROFILE set up by a scammer on my dating site. DO NOT ATTEMPT CONTACT. Click here to learn more about the Scammerz.org project.

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